
We provide evidence-based psychological services and psychiatry for children, teens, families, and adults.

Summer Workshop Starts Next Week

“What are we going to do this summer?”

The Dragonfly Team has developed a two-part workshop for parents to help develop a plan to make the summer meaningful, productive, and safe. Although we live in an unprecedented time, research can help identify effective ways to manage the unique stresses of this summer and maximize the potential for growth in children and teens.

The following topics will be covered over the course of two 90-minute workshops:

Living life by our values
We will guide you through a process to identify and prioritize your most important values and discuss how to achieve a healthy balance during summer life. Being intentional, rather than reactive, about what we do each day requires that we take this step before doing anything else.

Managing time when time feels lost
With prioritized values in mind, we will discuss concrete strategies to creating a routine and structure that will work for your family. This part of the workshop will focus on creating daily and weekly schedules that really work. We will also discuss how to use this time as an opportunity to help your child build executive functioning skills and gain more independence.

Communication and conflict management
Families are spending more time together than ever. This offers opportunities for extra quality time and it also places strains on communication patterns that may be unhealthy. This part of the workshop will summarize specific strategies any family can use to reduce family conflict and stress.

Building resilience and fostering happiness
All parents strive to help their children become resilient and have a happy life. The particular challenges of the pandemic in the summer offer the exact type of opportunities and trials that can contribute to the development of resilience. This final part of the workshop will help parents identify these opportunities and use them to encourage important growth in their children, regardless of age.

Drs. Michael Cassano, Jennifer Moore, and Lauren Perovich will host workshops that will include a summary of key principles for navigating these challenges and a discussion of ways to tailor each approach to your specific family needs. Participants will receive a copy of all presentation materials, handouts, and exercises.

  • The size of each workshop will be capped to allow for more individual attention
  • The cost for the series is $75 per family
  • Sessions will be held via Zoom from 6:30pm-8:00pm on Monday, June 15 and Monday, June 22

If you are interested in attending but cannot make the scheduled times, please let us know as we may be able to host additional workshop times.

To sign up or for any questions please email Dr. Cassano at

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